Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Preliminary exercise

                                  Preliminary Exercise

In our following class of Media Studies our teacher guided us about our preliminary task. There main things that were required in that task were the 180 degree rule, shot reverse shot and a continuous flow shot. The scene should consist of two minutes and should include a person opening a door, entering the room and sitting on the chair, following the rules and shots mentioned above. What I understood by the above terms is that in case of 180 degree rule there will be an imaginary line and while shooting if audience is able to see right side of for example Mr.X and left side of Mr.Y then thought out it should be seen. In case if during the video we see left side of Mr.X and right side of Mr.Y we are breaking the rule. We can shot anywhere but within that imaginary line. Then, shot/reverse shot which is also known as over the shoulder shot is when people can see one character's shoulder and other character's face. A continuous shot means that there is flow in the video and editing is done smoothly.

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