Monday 20 May 2013

Shooting Script

                                 Story Writing

The establishing shot will be of a small room door, mentioned open.
The delievery boy will be sitting and the scene will be shot from over his shoulder, looking at his laptop, using facebook stalking girls.
Phone will ring, he will pick it up, write the adress, tear the page and leave.
After disconnecting the phone, he will give an unusual smile.

The way it is to be shoted:

The camera will move towards the door gradually and zoom on OPEN.
As the camera will go in, it will rotate in the room and stop at the delievery boy.
Over the shoulder shot, he will be shown stalking girls on facebook. 
When suddenly the phone will ring, he will relax back on the chair and then attend the call.
He will clean the knife put it in his bag with pizza and leave.  

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