Tuesday 21 May 2013

Suspense Makeup

                       Makeup used in Suspense Genre:

While doing my research on suspense genre, I was not able to come across something interesting therefore, I am writing what I have observed while watching various suspense movies. Suspense is a very vast genre and according to my observation suspense genre is not used alone. It is mostly a mixture of two genres i.e: suspense/horror, suspense/comedy, suspense/romance, suspense/thriller. Therefore, the makeup is used accordingly.
When ever you are watching a horror/suspense movie and a scene frightens you, all the credit goes to the makeup artist. For example the image that you are seeing below belongs from a horror movie. The man seems to frighten you just because of effective makeup. Lens too play an important role. The man is wearing white lens which gives a terrifying look.

Then other genres do not need such vast makeup as expressions influences more than makeup in other cases. Along with makeup the effects are given by lighting and wonderful expressions.

The following pictures clearly tells that with the help of excellent makeup, a good looking person can turn out to be evil as well.

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